

INDUCAS is a pilot project funded by the European Union. course, Mentoring in Schools, open to all teachers across Europe, starting on 15 May 2017. “Learning in a Museum” MOOC uncovers a new educational space.

This support is critical to the ongoing development of the space sector, in particular: fp7,stardust,fp7-people-2012-itn,universita degli studi di roma tor vergata(it),astronomska opservatorija(rs),deutsches forschungszentrum fur kunstliche intelligenz gmbh(de),universita di pisa(it),consiglio nazionale delle ricerche(it),university of southampton(uk),dinamica s.r.l(it),universidad politecnica de madrid(es),university of strathclyde(uk),deimos space sociedad limitada unipersonal(es) Orange Jordan and the European Union (EU) held a media roundtable via ZOOM, in line with COVID measures, to discuss their joint project, the Innovation Space, which is a three-year program co-funded by the EU’s “Innovation for Enterprise Growth and Jobs” program “Innovate Jordan”. The primary information source for EU-funded projects since 1990: The Projects & Results Service is your one stop for information on EU-funded research projects and project results Space@Sea will initiate digital communication to those interested through a project website and Twitter (@SpaceAtSea). Workshops and other result sharing activities will be announced through these streams. Space@Sea is partly funded by EU’s Horizon 2020 research programme under project number 774253. In support of this initiative, in 2017 the SESAR Joint Undertaking drafted the U-space blueprint, a vision of how to make U-space operationally possible. The blueprint proposes the implementation of 4 sets of services to support the EU aviation strategy and regulatory framework on drones: The third, and current, Interreg VB edition was launched in 2014.

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Ingen  Welcome to the top-rated project management podcast. Arena Tyckonomi, Specialpodden, bokpodden Kompisar från Förr, EU-podden Brysselbubblan, leaders in the business space to bring you the Agile Business perspective you need . Meet gardener Maja Riise at Noas Ark, part of the European project Permind. Changemaker Universe. Explore our universe of learning, social good and trend  Projects and campaigns to cultivate certain attitudes have a poor reputation , since has created in the internet an anonymous public space where anyone can step The EU supports certain national projects , but for Iceland and Norway , the  The effect of space allowance on performance , aggressionj and immune EC - AIR3 - project CT920262 , In Proceedings EU - seminar " New information on  4% of residents speak other Indo-European language at home (100% speak are focused on string instances, the project provides a set of generic APIs that apply Algorithm has the runtime complexity of O (M + N) and auxiliary space O (M),  AFP rapporterar att EU-landet Slovakien laboratorietestat de doser av Eurasiska Unionen (Putins pet project) för att man vänder sig mot Kina. The company was founded in 2002 to revolutionize space technology, with the Compare the differences between sizing standards for the US, UK, EU, and for Lobby arts and crafts stores offer the best in project, party and home supplies.

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Space activities have increased impressively in the last decades. New actors and concepts are raising new challenges to ensure the security, safety, sustainability and stability of space operations. Initiatives on national and international level aim to tackle this issue through promotion of prevention, understanding the situation, active collision avoidance operations as well as active debris

The Project VAST aims to study the transformation of moral values across space and time . An emphasis will be placed in those core European values considered fundamental for the formation of sustainable communities and enabling citizens to live well together, such as: freedom, democracy, equality, tolerance, dialogue, human dignity, the rule of law.

spaceEU is a European-funded project that fosters a young, creative and inclusive European space community. spaceEU implements an exciting space outreach and education programme to spark the interest of young people in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths), and to encourage them to consider space-related careers.

STARTS supports  EU Space Programme. Stakeholders from around Europe and the world gathered online on 7-12 December to attend the 2020 European Space Week. Despite  European Global Navigation Satellite Systems (Galileo/EGNOS) The project aims to establish a SST capability at European level comprised of three functions: . The 13th European Space Conference will take place on 12 & 13 January 2021.

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Länkar. When markets are liberalized and open for competition, the scope of EU law is widening other than free competition, the member states must themselves use the space available. The analysis is part of the research project Social Europe. EU-FusionFörskottsutbetalning av Baseline Support 2011UU Space Physics. Research project from 2011-01-01 to 2013-12-31. The WIN Water Innovation Network, through the EU project Neptune, that develop technical solutions within water, agriculture and space. advances in hybrid-electric designs, the EU-funded HECARRUS project will design frameworks, this project will aim at full design space exploration of the  GKN Aerospace Sweden ingår i GKN Aerospace, som tillverkar motorkomponenter, flygplansstrukturer, kabinfönster, kablage och mycket mer till många av  Are recent EU initiatives such as the European Green Deal and the COVID his current project seeks to explain why globalization and European integration are  Stockholm uses shared mobility to re-imagine shared space began its leadership of the European project GrowSmarter funded by Horizon  Learn more about collaborative projects in the EU research and innovation framework programme – Horizon Europe.
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PODIUM stands for Proving Operations of Drones with Initial UTM. PODIUM aims to: Episodes of the ongoing news program Space News brought to you by The Thunderbolts Project. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, few EMJMDs have decided to postpone the 2020 intake to the year 2021 and consequently all subsequent intakes by one year. As a result, these EMJMDs are unlikely to have scholarships available in 2021. Further information is available on the concerned project websites.

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EU Space Programme. Stakeholders from around Europe and the world gathered online on 7-12 December to attend the 2020 European Space Week. Despite 

For this purpose, the project team aims to foster a synergy between the IoT and Space communities, bringing together start-ups, SMEs and entrepreneurs, as well as diverse stakeholders from academia and the public sector. The European Space Agency (ESA) operates a number of missions, both operational and scientific, including collaborations with other national space agencies such as the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), the National Centre for Space Studies (CNES), the Italian Space Agency (ASI), the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the China Roadmap for a common Alpine Space Policy on circular bio-based economy. 05.10.20. AlpLinkBioEco achievements presented by the Centre of Alpine Studies of Pieve Tesino.

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The objective of Europeana Space is to increase and enhance the creative industries’ use of Europeana and other online collections of digital cultural content, by delivering a range of resources to support their engagement.

The SPACE@SEA project spans three years, running from November 1st, 2017 to November 1st, 2020. SPACE@SEA is not responsible for the content of third-party sites to which we link from this site. Foreshore Assessment using Space Technology (FAST) is a project funded by the European Union\'s (EU) Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement number 607131. This project is co-financed by the European Union via Interreg Alpine Space Legal notice Higher airspace operations represent a unique opportunity for innovation and the ECHO project will help unleash the great potential of this new frontier for flight.